Source code for chaosmonkey.attacks.attack

[docs]class Attack: """ Base class for attacks. Every attack must extend from this class """ ref = None #: **string** Unique identifier for the attack. Must be module_name.AttackClass schema = None #: **dict** Valid jsonSchema to validate the attack attributes in the API #: **dict** example for using when calling add plan endpoint example = None def __init__(self, attack_config): self.attack_config = attack_config
[docs] def run(self): """ This method is called by an executor to perform the actual attack. You can access the self.attack_config that holds the configuration used when calling the endpoint to plan the attacks. """ raise NotImplementedError("Attacks should implement this!")
[docs] def to_dict(): """ You should implement to_dict to return an Attack._to_dict(ref, schema, example) using the attack attributes Example:: @staticmethod def to_dict(): return Attack._to_dict( TerminateEC2Instance.ref, TerminateEC2Instance.schema, TerminateEC2Instance.example ) """ raise NotImplementedError("Attacks should implement this!")
@staticmethod def _to_dict(ref, schema, example): return { "ref": ref, "schema": schema, "example": example, }