Source code for chaosmonkey.engine.cme_manager

CME Manager

Control layer for CME Engine
import logging

from jsonschema import validate, ValidationError
from chaosmonkey.dal.executor_model import Executor
from chaosmonkey.api.api_errors import APIError
from chaosmonkey.modules.module_store import ModuleLookupError

[docs]class CMEManager: """ CMEManager is the manager responsible of communicating the API with the backend. It manages: * scheduler: BackgroundScheduler from appscheduler lib. The scheduler run executors * sql_store: SQLAlchemy store. The persistence layer * planners_store: ModuleStore that load and manages available planners. * attacks_store: ModuleStore that load and manage available attacks. Methods to interact with Executors and Plans always returns the db.Models (chaosmonkey.dal.*_model) Methods that interact with Attacks always returns Attacks objects (chaosmonkey.attacks.attack) Methods that interact with Planners always returns Planners objects (chaosmonkey.planners.planner) """ def __init__(self): self._scheduler = None self._sql_store = None self._planners_store = None self._attacks_store = None self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def configure(self, scheduler, sql_store, planners_store, attacks_store): """ Configure the manager :param scheduler: apscheduler.schedulers.background.BackgroundScheduler :param sql_store: SQLAlchemy :param planners_store: chaosmonkey.modules.ModuleStore :param attacks_store: chaosmonkey.modules.ModuleStore :return: """ self._scheduler = scheduler self._sql_store = sql_store self._planners_store = planners_store self._attacks_store = attacks_store self.log.debug('CMEManager configured')
@property def scheduler(self): """ Scheduler property """ return self._scheduler @property def attacks_store(self): """ Attacks store property """ return self._attacks_store @property def planners_store(self): """ Planners store property """ return self._planners_store @property def sql_store(self): """ SQLstore property """ return self._sql_store
[docs] def get_executors(self, executed=False): """ Return a list of Executor objects created in DB :return: chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor list """ return self._sql_store.get_executors(executed=executed)
[docs] def get_executor(self, executor_id): """ Return an Executor object with the given id :return: chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor """ return self._sql_store.get_executor(executor_id)
[docs] def get_executors_for_plan(self, plan_id): """ Return a list of Executors for a given plan id :return: chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor """ return self.sql_store.get_executors_for_plan(plan_id)
[docs] def update_executor_trigger(self, executor_id, trigger): """ Update an executor trigger to change is due date :param executor_id: executor id :param trigger: apscheduler.triggers.BaseTrigger instance :return: chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor """ job = self._scheduler.reschedule_job(job_id=executor_id, trigger=trigger) return self._job_to_executor(job)
[docs] def remove_executor(self, executor_id): """ Removes an executor by his ID :param executor_id: :return: """ self._scheduler.remove_job(job_id=executor_id) self.sql_store.real_remove_job(job_id=executor_id)
[docs] def add_executor(self, date, name, attack_config, plan_id): """ Adds a new executor to the scheduler :param date: Datetime to execute the job :param name: Executor name :param attack_config: Attack config. Dict to be passed to the executor on execution time :param plan_id: Referenced plan id :return: chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor """ from chaosmonkey.attacks.executor import execute self.log.debug('add scheduled job %s at %s', name, date) job = self._scheduler.add_job( execute, name=name, kwargs={ "attack_config": attack_config, "plan_id": plan_id }, trigger='date', run_date=date ) return self._job_to_executor(job)
[docs] def get_attack_list(self): """ Return a list with all attacks loaded in the self._attacks_store :return: chaosmonkey.attacks.attack.Attack list """ attacks_list = [self._attacks_store.get(attack_ref).to_dict() for attack_ref in self.attacks_store.list()] return attacks_list
[docs] def get_planner_list(self): """ Return a list with all planners loaded in the self._planners_store :return: chaosmonkey.planners.planner.Planner list """ planner_list = [self._planners_store.get(planner_ref).to_dict() for planner_ref in self.planners_store.list()] return planner_list
[docs] def execute_plan(self, name, planner_config, attack_config): """ Execute a plan with a planner and executor config to create executors based on the configs It also validates the planner and executor config against the modules :param name: Plan name :param planner_config: Dict with planner config :param attack_config: Dict with attack config """ try: planner_class = self._planners_store.get(planner_config.get("ref")) attack_class = self._attacks_store.get(attack_config.get("ref")) except ModuleLookupError as e: raise APIError("invalid planner %s" % e.message) # Validate both executor and planner configs try: validate(planner_config.get("args"), planner_class.schema) validate(attack_config, attack_class.schema) except ValidationError as e: raise APIError("invalid payload %s" % e.message) planner = planner_class(name) planner.plan(planner_config, attack_config)
[docs] def add_plan(self, name): """ Creates a new plan in the sqlStore :param name: Plan name :return: chaosmonkey.dal.plan.Plan """ return self._sql_store.add_plan(name)
[docs] def get_plan(self, plan_id): """ Returns a plans :return: chaosmonkey.dal.plan.Plan """ return self._sql_store.get_plan(plan_id)
[docs] def get_plans(self, show_all=None): """ Returns a list with al plans in the sqlStore :return: List of chaosmonkey.dal.plan.Plan """ return self._sql_store.get_plans(show_all=show_all)
[docs] def delete_plan(self, plan_id): """ Delete a plan (and all his associated executors) from the sqlStore :param plan_id: String plan Id :return: """ self._sql_store.delete_plan(plan_id)
@staticmethod def _job_to_executor(job): """ Converts a apscheduler.job.Job to chaosmonkey.dal.executor.Executor :param job: :return: """ return Executor(, job.next_run_time, job.kwargs.get("plan_id") )
manager = CMEManager()