Source code for chaosmonkey.planners.planner

Base class for planners

Every planner must extend Planner class
from chaosmonkey.engine.cme_manager import manager

[docs]class Planner: """ Planner interface Planners are responsible for scheduling jobs that executes attacks :param name: plan name """ ref = None # must override schema = None # must override example = None # must override def __init__(self, name): = name
[docs] def plan(self, planner_config, attack_config): """ Plan the jobs. This method should use the config to schedule jobs based on the configuration for the planner :param planner_config: configuration related to the scheduler :param attack_config: configuration related to the attack """ raise NotImplementedError("Plans should implement this!")
[docs] def add_plan(name): return manager.add_plan(name)
@staticmethod def _add_executor(date, name, attack_config, plan_id): """ Add a job to the global scheduler :param date: date to execute the job :param name: job name :param attack_config: configuration related to the attack """ date_timezone = manager.scheduler.timezone.localize(date) manager.add_executor(date_timezone, name, attack_config, plan_id) @staticmethod
[docs] def to_dict(): raise NotImplementedError("Planners should implement this!")
@staticmethod def _to_dict(ref, schema, example): return { "ref": ref, "schema": schema, "example": example, }